
RacksDB is provided with a database schema. It is basically a YAML file that defines the objects represented in the database with their properties, and the relations between these objects.

The content of this file eventually defines the database structure. This schema can be customized to store additional data using schema extensions.


When RacksDB is installed, the schema is available in path /usr/share/racksdb/schema.yml.

The file is also available in source code Git repository.


The schema file is a mapping that contains 3 main keys:


Version number of the schema as a string.


Database root object definition.


All other objects definitions.

The format of _content is an object definition. The format of _objects is a mapping whose keys are objects names and values are objects definitions.

Objects Definitions

Objects definitions are mappings with the following expected keys:

description (optional)

String to describe the purpose of the object.


Mapping of objects properties. The keys are the names of the properties. The values are mapping with the following expected keys:


The property type, as described below.


String to describe the purpose and content of the property.

key (optional)

Boolean to determine if the property is a key. Default value is false.

default (optional)

Default value of the property.

example (optional)

Example value of the property.

optional (optional)

Boolean to determine if property is optional. Default value is false.

Properties Type

The properties types are expressed with the following notation: