
Slurm-web can be integrated with Prometheus (or any compatible solution) to manage Slurm metrics.

slurm web metrics

When this feature is enabled, Slurm-web agent exports these metrics in standard OpenMetrics format on /metrics endpoint. This is designed to be collected by Prometheus (or compatible) in order to store these metrics in timeseries database. The agent can then query this database, so the frontend can produce charts with historical values.

This first section explains how to enable this metrics feature. For security reasons, access to exported metrics can be restricted to specific hosts. Next section explains how to configure Prometheus to collect Slurm-web metrics. Then metrics query settings are explained and the last section provides a reference list of all available metrics.

Get Started

The metrics feature is disabled by default. It can be enabled with the following lines in /etc/slurm-web/agent.ini:


Access Restriction

For security reasons, Slurm-web agent restricts access to /metrics endpoint to localhost only. When Prometheus is running on external hosts, you must define restrict parameter in /etc/slurm-web/agent.ini to allow other networks explicitely. For example:


In this example, all IP addresses in range 192.168.1.[0-254] and are permitted to request metrics.

Prometheus Integration

Prometheus must be configured to request /metrics endpoint of Slurm-web agent. Edit /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml to add one of the following configuration snippets depending of your setup:

  • Slurm-web agent running as native service (ie. with slurm-web-agent.service):

  - job_name: slurm
    scrape_interval: 30s
      - targets: ['localhost:5012']
  - job_name: slurm
    scrape_interval: 30s
    metrics_path: /agent/metrics
      - targets: ['localhost:80']
You may need to adjust the target hostname, typically if Prometheus is running on a remote host, and destination port (for example 443 for HTTPS).

Check prometheus the scraping job is running properly with this command:

$ curl -s http://localhost:9090/api/v1/targets?scrapePool=slurm | jq

This command reports the status of the Prometheus scraping job, for example:

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "activeTargets": [
        "discoveredLabels": {
          "__address__": "localhost:80",
          "__metrics_path__": "/agent/metrics",
          "__scheme__": "http",
          "__scrape_interval__": "30s",
          "__scrape_timeout__": "10s",
          "job": "slurm"
        "labels": {
          "instance": "localhost:80",
          "job": "slurm"
        "scrapePool": "slurm",
        "scrapeUrl": "http://localhost:80/agent/metrics",
        "globalUrl": "http://localhost:80/agent/metrics",
        "lastError": "", (1)
        "lastScrape": "2024-10-30T12:08:41.494167925+01:00",
        "lastScrapeDuration": 0.107884764,
        "health": "up", (2)
        "scrapeInterval": "30s",
        "scrapeTimeout": "10s"
    "droppedTargets": []
1 lastError field must be empty.
2 health must be up.

Query Settings

In order to query Prometheus database, Slurm-web must know:

  • The URL to access Prometheus HTTP API,

  • The name of Prometheus job that scrapes Slurm-web metrics. This corresponds to job_name field in /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml.

By default, Slurm-web uses http://localhost:9090 and slurm values respectively. This can be changed with the following settings in /etc/slurm-web/agent.ini, for example:


Available Metrics

This table describes all metrics exported by Slurm-web:

Metric Description

Number of compute nodes in a given state. Supported states are: idle, mixed, allocated, down, drain and unknown.


Total number of compute nodes managed by Slurm.


Number of cores of compute nodes in a given state. Supported states are: idle, mixed, allocated, down, drain and unknown.


Total number of cores on compute nodes managed by Slurm.


Number of jobs in a given state in Slurm controller queue. Supported states are: running, completed, completing, cancelled, pending and unknown.


Total number of jobs in Slurm controller queue.

Do want more Slurm metrics exported by Slurm-web? Contact us to tell your needs.