Instances Pipelines Definitions

A Fatbuildr installation can support multiple independent and isolated instances, with their specific build and distribution pipelines. At least one instance must be defined. For more details about instances roles and internals, please refer to the description of instances & pipelines architecture.

This page contains the reference documentation of instance definitions files.

Instance definitions files are YAML files located in directory /etc/fatbuildr/instances.d/. Definitions files must have the extension *.yml. The name of the file is the ID of the instance (ex: prod.yml for instance ID prod).

The content of the YAML file is a hash with keys described in the following sub-sections.

General Parameters


The name of the instance, as a free text form. This is essentially used for presentation in Fatbuildrweb HTML pages and API.


Optional list of hardware architectures supported by the instance. By default, only the host hardware architecture is supported.


Instance keyring parameters are declared as a hash associated to the gpg key. It defines the metadata of the instance keyring GPG keys. It must contain the following keys:


The full name of instance keyring owner (ex: John Doe, or My Corp)


The email address of the instance keyring owner.


The formats supported by the Fatbuildr instances are declared as a hash associated to the formats key.

Each key of this hash is the name of a supported format (ex: deb or rpm). The formats hash must contain at least one supported format, or the instance would be useless. The value of this hash is a list of supported distributions for the associated format.

A distribution is a hash. The keys of this hash depends on the format of the distribution.

deb Distributions


The name of the distribution. This should be an alphanumeric string without spaces.


The name of the subsequent debootstrap supported distribution used to generate the cowbuilder build environment (ex: bookworm or jammy)


The tag appended to packages release number for this distribution. This is expected to be a short string with few alphanumeric characters.


An alternative URL of the APT mirror used as packages source for creating the build environment for this distribution. This parameter is optional. When absent, the env_default_mirror from system configuration is used.


The space separated list of components enabled on the APT repository used to create the build environment for this distribution. This parameter is optional. When absent, the env_default_components from system configuration is used.

rpm Distributions


The name of the distribution. This should be an alphanumeric string without spaces.


The name of the mock supported distribution used to generate the build environment (ex: rocky-8 or fedora-36).


The tag appended to packages release number for this distribution. This is expected to be a short string with few alphanumeric characters.


A list of DNF modules to enable in the Mock build environment for this distribution. This parameter is optional. When absent, the env_default_modules from system configuration is used.

osi Distributions


The name of the distribution. This should be an alphanumeric string without spaces.


For details about this concept, please refer to the derivatives feature description.

Derivatives are optional in instance definitions. Without additional defined derivative, only the default main derivative is considered by Fatbuildr.

Derivatives are defined as hash in the derivatives key. The keys in this hash are the names of the derivatives. The value associated to all derivative keys is also a hash containing an optional set of parameters for this derivative.

The available parameters for derivatives are:


An array of formats supporting this derivative. The formats absent from this array do not support this derivative. This can be used to restrict a derivative to a subset of all formats supported by the instance. This parameter is optional. When absent, the full list of instance supported formats is considered.


The name of another derivative extended by this derivative. This allows defining a tree of derivatives. This parameter is optional. When absent, the derivative extends the default main derivative by default.

The derivatives cannot be restricted to particular distributions of a format. When the derivative is defined with a supporting format, the derivative is available for all distributions of this format.

Full Example

This is complete example of instance definition file content:

name: Corporation production instance
  name: Infrastructure team
  email: infra@corp.tld
  - name: bullseye
    env: bullseye
    tag: deb11
  - name: ubuntu22.04
    env: jammy
    tag: u2204
    components: main restricted universe multiverse
  - name: el8
    env: rocky-8
    tag: el8
    - nodejs:16
    - nodejs:18
  - name: fc36
    env: fedora-36
    tag: fc36
  - name: ci
  - name: ia
- x86_64
- aarch64
    formats: [deb, rpm]
    extends: extra
  customera: {}
    formats: [deb]

In this example instance, 3 formats are supported: deb, rpm and osi.

The distributions of deb format are:

  • bullseye, using the corresponding debootstrap distribution to create the build environment for this distribution. The package release number published for this distribution are suffixed with deb11 tag.

  • ubuntu22.04, using the jammy debootstrap distribution and u2204 release number tag. The build environment is created using a specific mirror a packages source for build environment with all main, restricted, universe and multiverse components enabled.

The distributions of rpm format are:

  • el8 using the rocky-8 Mock environment and el8 package release number tag.

  • f36 using the fedora-36 Mock environment and f36` package release number tag.

The distributions of osi formats are ci and ai.

In this example instance, 2 hardware architectures are supported: x86_64 and aarch64.

This instance is defined with 4 derivatives:

  • extra restricted to formats deb and rpm (ie. osi is not supported). It extends the main default derivative.

  • full that extends the extra derivative.

  • customera available for all supported formats, it extends the main derivative.

  • customerb restricted to format deb. It also extends the main default derivative.