Web Interface
Additionally to the REST API, the Fatbuildrweb component provides HTML pages to explore tasks archives and the content of the registries in a graphical user interface with a web browser. The following section gives the list of all available HTML pages endpoints in Fatbuildrweb.
For consistency with the REST API, HTML endpoints are associated to permission actions in Fatbuildrweb policy. Currently, authentication is not supported in Fatbuildrweb HTML endpoints. Therefore, all accesses to the HTML endpoints with a browser are performered with anonymous role. This implies that if a permission action is not permitted to the anonymous role by the policy, the accesses to the HTML endpoints associated to this permission action are refused with a HTTP/403 Forbidden response. |
HTML Endpoints
List of Available Instances
The list of defined Fatbuildr instances
No permission action required.
This endpoint is not available when Fatbuildrweb component runs in mono-instance mode. |
All the following API endpoints are composed of the instance path parameter as they manipulate data from a specific instance. However, this instance path attribute is not required when Fatbuildrweb component runs in mono-instance mode. In this mode, all the following endpoints must be considered without the instance path attribute. |
Registry Formats
GET /{instance}/registry/
Permission action: view-registry
This web page contains the following elements:
The list of formats for which artifacts have been published in the registry of this instance.
The list of pending and running tasks for this instance.
The list of the 10 last tasks for this instance.
Format Distributions
GET /{instance}/registry/{format}/
This web page contains the list of distributions for which artifacts have been published in this instance registry for this format.
Distribution Derivatives
GET /{instance}/registry/{format}/{distribution}/
Permission action: view-registry
This web page contains the list of derivatives for which artifacts have been published in this instance registry for this format and this distribution.
Derivative Artifacts
GET /{instance}/registry/{format}/{distribution}/{derivative}/
This web page contains the list of artifacts published in this instance registry for this format, distribution and derivative.
Artifact Information
GET /{instance}/registry/{format}/{distribution}/{derivative}/{architecture}/{artifact}
Permission action: view-registry
This web page contains the information about a specific artifact published in a
registry. If this is a source artifact (ie. architecture is src
), the list
of all subsequent binary artifacts is provided. If this is binary artifact, the
corresponding source artifact is indicated. The page also contains the changelog
and the content (ie. list of files) of the artifact, when possible.
Path Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Example |
Name of Fatbuildr instance |
string |
Artifact format name |
string |
Dis$tribution name |
string |
Name of distribution derivative |
string |
Name of CPU architecture of the artifact. The special value |
string |
Artifact Search
GET /{instance}/search
Permission action: view-registry
The search results for a given part of artifact name. All founds artifacts are classified by respective formats, distributions and derivatives.